VIDEO. “It’s a beautiful sharing, in food and in friendship”, the Popote of Chazelles-sur-Lyon “breaks the loneliness”

VIDEO. “It’s a beautiful sharing, in food and in friendship”, the Popote of Chazelles-sur-Lyon “breaks the loneliness”
VIDEO. “It’s a beautiful sharing, in food and in friendship”, the Popote of Chazelles-sur-Lyon “breaks the loneliness”

La Popote is a participatory and solidarity restaurant run by volunteers and a facilitator from the Equipage social center in Chazelles-sur-Lyon, in the Loire. The establishment, which serves several dozen meals, has been open for just over a year.

It is a participatory and supportive restaurant. Opened in March 2023, La Popote displays its ambitions : welcoming guests in a good mood and with complete simplicity. This restaurant, which has everything a table d’hôte has, is open to all. Located in the heart of the town of Chazelles-sur-Lyon, it is open three days a week, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. In the kitchen, volunteers who keep the restaurant running.

La Popote in Chazelles-sur-Lyon: a supportive and participatory restaurant – June 2024

© E. Méchenin / France tv

The restaurant serves an average of 22 meals per service. “It’s really volunteering that keeps Popote running. It works thanks to volunteers who come in the morning to cook the day’s meal,” explains Adeline Lyonnet, an employee of the socio-cultural center l’Equipage. In total, around forty volunteers regularly lend a hand. Some participate every week, others more occasionally. There are no real rules.

duration of the video: 00h02mn20s

A supportive and participatory canteen in Chazelles-sur-Lyon, in the Loire.

©France Télévisions

The meals, at low prices, are cooked with local products, seasonal products. No menu but a unique and different menu every day. Cyril, one of the regulars does not remember having eaten the same thing twice. “We have a partnership with the neighboring organic cooperative: we collect the fruits and vegetables that they can no longer sell. More and more individuals are bringing us the surplus from their gardens. We have a fruit and vegetable producer in Chazelles-sur-Lyon. We are lucky to have two markets. We favor organic and local products.”explains Adeline Lyonnet. It must be said that volunteer cooks are not lacking in creativity. “For a year and a half, I don’t know if we’ve eaten the same meal twice.”says Cyril.

“I’ve been a regular since last September. I’m retired. I needed to occupy myself with great moments and meet people. You meet people, you make friends. It’s quite magical. It’s a beautiful sharing of food and friendship. I cook sometimes but not today.“, assures Anne-Marie who also appreciates the quality of the food.

La Popote. The objective: “break the solitude and meet people”

© France tv

Same feeling for Brigitte, resident of the town of Chevrières. She is also a regular here: “I’ve been coming here since the beginning, I’m almost a pillar, without wanting to brag,” explains the retiree. The latter rarely cooks, she prefers to focus on meetings.

I come to eat. And I come here especially to meet people, to break the solitude and it works really well.


Regular at La Popote

Because La Popote, as we will have understood, is a little more than cooking. The idea is to create a link between people who live in Chazelles, but also from the surrounding villages. People often come alone and leave with friends. Some people come because they like cooking, others simply to share a meal. As these are large tables, the link is made quite easily. Sharing a meal allows you to find topics of conversation”, assures Adeline Lyonnet.

For the volunteers who cook and then dine with the guests, it is a double pleasure. “It’s nice because we feel less alone. It’s very friendly, everyone gives their little recipes. Others ask for advice. We give each other little tips”, explains Colette. The latter is a childminder, and her favorite thing is to prepare pastries.

La Popote in Chazelles-sur-Lyon. Volunteers in the kitchen

© France tv

La Popote is the result of the cooking workshop of the L’Équipage social center. The participatory restaurant is supported by the socio-cultural center of Chazelles-sur-Lyon. For the guests, the prices are attractive. “Thanks to membership in this structure, you can choose your price: 6, 9 or 12 euros. It depends on your desires and needs,” explains Adeline Lyonnet. As for volunteer cooks, they pay 4 euros. For non-members, the price of the meal is 14 euros.

La Popote in Chazelles-sur-Lyon

© France tv

This canteen model, already well established in the city, is finding a place in the countryside. “It’s surprising, a supportive and participatory restaurant in a rural environment. It’s surprising for a small town,” explains Cyril, member of the association l’Equipage.



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