Véraza: the Limouxin school concert delighted the public

Véraza: the Limouxin school concert delighted the public
Véraza: the Limouxin school concert delighted the public

The music school of the community of communes of Limouxin chose the small village of Veraza late Wednesday afternoon for a brass concert and musical awareness. This concert is one of the performances given by the various musical sections in certain villages in the region during this week. So, Monday at the piano museum it was piano, singing and guitar; Tuesday at Routier woodwinds, saxos and contemporary music classes; Thursday in Greffeil the percussion group and Friday in Antugnac the adult big band.

Welcomed by Mayor Daniel Palop, the numerous participants were invited to appreciate the small village of Veraza and to extend the concert with a friendly aperitif served at the end. The director of the Limouxin school, Jean Brunel, introduced the different sections before their performance. The public made up of parents, friends and Vérazanais appreciated this form of restitution of the achievements of the year. The spectators applauded enthusiastically and did not fail to congratulate each section. Musical awakening sections 1 and 2, the trombone ensemble (small), the trumpets, the tuba, the trombone orchestra and the finale performed 22 selected pieces each listing the difficulties mastered.

The work of a year is sensitive from one section to another, proof of the commitment of each participant within the school of the community of communes of Limouxin.



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