Everyone wants to take their place, which has been canceled from this Saturday, June 29th for several days! Here’s why

Everyone wants to take their place, which has been canceled from this Saturday, June 29th for several days! Here’s why
Everyone wants to take their place, which has been canceled from this Saturday, June 29th for several days! Here’s why

The show Tout le monde veut prendre sa place is canceled from this Saturday, June 29, 2024 and for several more days… Here’s why!

Screenshot Everyone wants to take his place / France 2

Isabelle failed for the first time in Everyone wants to take its place. On June 26, 2024, the champion found herself in difficulty against Thibaud, 21 years old. On the theme “Birds of the world”, she only scored 13 points against 18 for her challenger, when asked about French novelists. “It doesn’t matter at all. It’s a game, I’m not gambling with my life, I’m having fun. If I can make him money, if he accepts my proposal, that’ll be great. And if I leave, I leave…” she then told Jarry at the time of the negotiation. Fortunately for her, the young man accepted her 6,200 euros and Isabelle was able to take back her red armchair.

Everyone wants to take their place won’t be on the air for three days

Since then, the mother of two grown children has regained momentum, since she won two other victories, on June 27 and 28, 2024. Now at the head of a prize pool of 18,100 euros after 22 victories, the one which sharing his life with Jean-Pierre has nothing to be ashamed of for his performances. However, we will have to wait a little before knowing the rest of his journey, since the show Everyone wants to take its place will be canceled again due to the Tour de France, as the host explained on June 28: “Starting tomorrow, we won’t be broadcasting for three days. Don’t worry, we’ll see you right after. That’s it, it’s the start of the Tour de France, and we’re playing the game, we’re happy, we’re going to encourage, we’re going to be on the side of the road, we’re going to watch the caravan go by.”

Isabelle not really excited about the Tour de France

We will therefore have to wait until Tuesday July 2, 2024 to find Isabelle and Jarry, as well as the new candidates, ready to do battle. In any case, the Tour de France, which was the theme of the last program broadcast, does not really seem to excite the champion. “Isabelle, are you fond of the Tour de France?” asked Jarry, to which the main interested party replied: “When I was little, I went to see the runners go by, but nothing more!”The comedian, who will soon leave Everyone wants to take his place concluded with a laugh: “Okay, I’m the only one who likes the Tour de France. Oh, I love it!”.



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