According to a recent study, oils rich in omega-6 increase the risk of developing colorectal cancer.
According to a study published in the journal Gut and conducted by researchers at USF Health and the Tampa General Hospital Cancer Institute, excessive consumption of certain oils rich in omega-6 could increase the risk of developing colorectal cancer.
As reported by the Max site, these researchers studied the tumors of 80 patients with colorectal cancer, aged 30 to 85 years old. Their analysis revealed a strong presence of pro-inflammatory molecules originating from omega-6 metabolism in these tumors, associated with a deficiency in anti-inflammatory molecules, particularly those originating from omega-3.
What oils are affected?
Here is a list of the oils in question, commonly used in ultra-processed products:
- Sunflower oil
- Corn oil
- Soybean oil
- Canola oil (industrial rapeseed)
It is recommended to favor organic rapeseed oil, linseed oil and walnut oil, rich in omega-3.
colorectal cancer health