Here Are 3 Things to Do for Your Brain, According to a Neurosurgeon

Here Are 3 Things to Do for Your Brain, According to a Neurosurgeon
Here Are 3 Things to Do for Your Brain, According to a Neurosurgeon

Nowadays, more and more people are interested in
preserving their mental and cognitive health. Indeed, the brain is a fascinating and essential organ that allows us to think, learn, memorize and feel. It is therefore essential to take care of it in order to keep it healthy for as long as possible, as explained
Between us.

American neuroscientist Emily McDonald recently shared in a TikTok video three simple and effective tips for maintaining brain health. His video was a huge success, garnering nearly 4 million views..

Start the day with positive vibes

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According to Emily McDonald, our brains are particularly sensitive to external influences in the morning. This is why it is important to start the day with actions that promote a positive and serene state of mind.. She therefore recommends avoiding checking your phone as soon as you wake up, because the news and social networks can be sources of stress and anxiety.

Try not to look at your phone for at least 20-30 minutes after waking up“, she advises.”Instead, take time to listen to or recite positive affirmations.“This practice helps program the brain for the day by focusing on optimistic and motivating thoughts.

Feed your brain with healthy foods

Diet plays a crucial role in brain health. Emily McDonald stresses the importance of consume foods rich in nutrients essential for the proper functioning of brain cells. She therefore recommends favoring fresh, unprocessed foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and sources of good fats.

You are what you eat“, she recalls. “Eating processed foods can harm cognitive health and accelerate brain aging.“It is therefore essential to make wise food choices to provide your brain with the resources it needs to function optimally.

Cultivate a positive attitude

Optimism and positivity have a huge impact on mental well-being and brain health. Emily McDonald encourages
cultivate a positive attitude by focusing on the positive aspects of life and by nourishing kind thoughts towards oneself and others.

What you tell yourself changes your perception of the world” she says. “By programming your brain in a positive way, you encourage it to look for positive things in your environment.“When negative thoughts arise, it is important to identify them and replace them with more constructive thoughts.

Meditation: a powerful tool for the brain

Meditation is an ancient practice that offers many benefits for mental and physical health. Emily McDonald particularly recommends it for its positive effects on the brain. “Meditation promotes the birth of new brain cells in the hippocampus, which controls learning and memory” she explains. “This keeps your brain young and fit.

Numerous scientific studies have demonstrated The beneficial effects of meditation on stress, anxiety, depression and concentration. There are many different meditation techniques, so it is important to find the one that works best for each individual.



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