The incredible resilience of this Breton musician, transplanted then amputated, suffering from cystic fibrosis

The incredible resilience of this Breton musician, transplanted then amputated, suffering from cystic fibrosis
The incredible resilience of this Breton musician, transplanted then amputated, suffering from cystic fibrosis

“I am Pascal Lesné, born in 1976 and diagnosed with cystic fibrosis at birth. As a baby, I spent a year in hospital. It was a bit like the early stages of the disease. I went through all the stages, the different treatments. And soon, I will be 48 years old.

Ten years ago, in 2014, we created the Ptit Li’on project and association with the idea, through music, of communicating about organ donation and Cystic Fibrosis. We have just released a new single, Positive. It’s festive, joyful. A bit like me, my story.

From the age of 8-10, I started intravenous treatments and I never stopped. Treatments of fifteen days to three weeks under perfusion, every three months in Roscoff, to slow down the disease and stop the infections. I managed to hold on like that until I was 38. The last two years, it had become very complicated, I was under perfusion almost all the time.

The transplant, “I only waited eight days”

I knew I had to have a transplant. But there was the fear of the unknown because I felt like I had the disease under control. It took me a while to decide, a lot of tests. I no longer had a choice: it was the transplant or…



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