Growing pains, a common worry among parents

Growing pains, a common worry among parents
Growing pains, a common worry among parents

This pain generally occurs between the ages of 3 and 12, with a peak between 4 and 8 years of age. Although a muscular origin is often mentioned, their exact cause remains a mystery to the medical community. Surprisingly, they do not appear during the most rapid growth period, that of the first year of life when an infant grows from 50 to 75 cm!

Characteristic pains

Growing pains appear mainly in the evening or at night, below the knees or above the ankles, on the front of the legs. They can last from a few minutes to a few hours and repeat over several nights.

Even if they are benign, medical advice remains essential to rule out any more serious cause such as inflammatory rheumatism or a tumor.

Some tips to help your child

To soothe these temporary pains, parents can give their child an analgesic, paracetamol first. Some also recommend the use of a hot water bottle or light massages in painful areas.

Regular physical and sporting activity is also recommended during the day. This is the best way to develop muscle and bone mass, and thus limit this type of pain.

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