here are the 3 foods most recommended for stabilizing glucose levels, according to a dietitian

here are the 3 foods most recommended for stabilizing glucose levels, according to a dietitian
here are the 3 foods most recommended for stabilizing glucose levels, according to a dietitian

Nutrition can be a real headache for people with diabetes. For a little more clarity, a dietician has provided her top 3 foods to obtain a stable blood glucose level. Read carefully!

According to the diabetics federation, 92% of cases are type 2 diabetes. This form of the disease most often occurs in people over 40 and appears following a lack of physical activity or even being overweight. As the organization explains, in order to combat this condition, power supply is central. Indeed, changing your eating habits can significantly reduce the symptoms and risks of developing type 2 diabetes.

To build a suitable diet, you must favor foods with a low glycemic index, that is to say foods which will increase the level of glucose in the blood lower and more slowly. To facilitate the adoption of good habits, the media She Finds asked dietitian Alyssa Pacheco about his top 3 foods to stabilize glucose levels.

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1. Berries

According to Alyssa Pacheco, berries are preferred products in cases of diabetes since they are “full of fiber and antioxidants”. In this group, there are raspberries, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries. All have a low glycemic index which allows the creation of a slower and lower glucose peak than with other fruits.

By tasting them alone or by adding them to yogurt or a few almonds, these berries allow you to satisfy sweet cravings while being careful. Fresh or frozen, they will be perfect. Of course, any version with syrup or added sugars should be banned.

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2. Pasta made from chickpeas

Pasta can be a real problem for people with diabetes. From the starchy family, they can skyrocket blood sugar levels. Despite everything, certain options would make it possible to better control this peak. Among them : pasta very rich in fiber. This is why Alyssa Pacheco advises choosing a version made from chickpeas. The other advantage of this legume is that it contains much more protein.

To prepare them, be careful, it is always advisable to opt for al dente cooking, that is to say still firm to the bite. This helps keep the glycemic index low. This increases as the starch is cooked. So, in salad, with vegetables or meat, you have an absolutely delicious dish!

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3. Quinoa

Finally, there is another essential food for Alyssa Pacheco. This is quinoa. In recent years, it has established itself as a true superfood that can be found everywhere. It must be said that the list of its benefits is as long as an arm. This seed is gluten-free, contains lots of protein, fiber and antioxidants. But that’s not all ! Its glycemic index is low and therefore perfect for people with diabetes.

Another good news is that quinoa is versatile. It can be used in many recipes and varying the pleasures is easier. You can opt for bowls with vegetables and proteins, salads or even put it in soups.



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