“The tiger mosquito is colonizing the city”

“The tiger mosquito is colonizing the city”
“The tiger mosquito is colonizing the city”

On the occasion of the public meeting held this Saturday, June 15, 2024 in the Louvre room in Château-Gontier-sur-Mayenne, Philippe Henry, the first city councilor, returned to the problem of tiger mosquitoes. He recalled that the flying and stinging insect “ is in the process of colonizing the city. It has the ability to settle and reproduce in stagnant water. It grows very, very quickly. The advantage is that he rarely goes more than 200 m from his place of birth “.

Impossible to control at the moment

In the town, it has infested Bazouges, to the point that residents can no longer go out into their garden. It even stings through clothing. According to the mayor, “ he arrives in Azé. » The Regional Health Agency (ARS) is aware of the problem, but, for the moment, it is not a question of embarking on a disinfestation operation: “ Here, it does not transmit disease. We cannot control mosquitoes. But it’s very unpleasant », explains Philippe Henry. Last year, a mosquito control operation took place in Nantes following the discovery of a case of dengue fever.

The suburb is not affected, but the mayor was keen to recall good practices to avoid the proliferation of the animal, native to tropical regions: he advises covering everything that can collect water in the garden, including the little flower cups. Also pay attention to gutters where water can sometimes stagnate.

An information and awareness meeting will be held in Bazouges, in the presence of the ARS, Monday June 24, 2024 , in the presence of the ARS .

The system for combating the bug will be presented, with the installation of nesting traps. “ It doesn’t have to permeate the whole city. », Supports Philippe Henry.

Information and awareness meeting Monday June 24, 2024, at 6:30 p.m., at the Saint-Jacques room



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