In Évreux, the Vectra, a high-tech machine to combat the lack of dermatologists

The France dermatologie imaging company, located in Évreux, is equipped with a new high-tech machine to detect skin cancers. The tool mixes taking very precise photos and artificial intelligence.

Published: June 14, 2024 at 7:00 p.m.

Reading time:
1 minute

VS‘is a great camera’, explains Cindy Weber, assistant dermatologist, in front of the immense Vectra WB360 machine. France dermatologie rents a room from France Imaging at 42, rue Armand-Benet in Évreux and has just brought in the machine, a technological gem that is still extremely rare in France. It is a tool that helps to screen for skin cancer in a department which suffers from a glaring lack of dermatologists.

Colossal investment

This tool, which has 92 photography lenses, is accessible to all audiences and is already in action. More than a hundred patients have already taken the exam since October 2, 2023. Vectra detected skin cancer in the very first patient to take the test.

The process is simple: the patient must undress then put on a disposable thong. Only the scalp, genitals and arch of the foot escape examination. His body is then completely scanned, and a very precise 3D model is created. This innovative technology is rare: only two similar devices are in service, one in Marseille and another here in Évreux. In dermatology, they are pioneers. A colossal investment of more than €500,000 was necessary to finance the tool.

Epidemiological research

Vectra uses artificial intelligence to map moles and perform in-depth analysis. It then offers a selection of areas to be monitored by the dermatologist to check the condition of the skin. Additional examinations are then possible, with a zoom of up to 100 times the usual magnification.

Still recent, this examination is not fully reimbursed by Social Security. Dermatologists therefore charge for the procedure, with an excess fee of €30. The system also aims to enable the centralized archiving of examinations carried out, both to better monitor the evolution of the patient’s skin, and also to carry out clinical epidemiological research.

CONFERENCE : Sleep, your health asset. Register for free for the conference organized by Paris Normandie which will take place on Thursday June 20 from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. in Rouen.

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