Port-gentil: intensified vaccination campaign from June 14 to 18, 2024 | Gabonmediatime.com

The Ministry of Health in collaboration with the Bottoms of the United Nations for Children (UNICEF) and the World Health Organization (WHO)of of June 14 to 18, 2024, at the launch of intensified vaccination activities in Port-gentil, in the province of Ogooué maritime. And this with the aim of strengthening vaccination coverage and protecting children against serious childhood illnesses.

Vaccines help protect children from serious or even fatal diseases and promote their healthy growth. Indeed, each dose of vaccine received helps stimulate the immune system to effectively fight specific infections, says UNICEF. It is therefore concerned with the well-being of little ones that the Ministry of Health and the organization in charge of health and protection are organizing a vaccination campaign from June 14 to 18, in the economic capital.

4 days of intensive vaccination in the town of Port-gentil

If the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) indicates that approximately 1 in 5 children in the world are not fully protected against vaccine-preventable diseases, this vaccination campaign will help remedy this. To do this, each parent is called upon to take part in this health initiative. “ The opportunity is offered to each parent from June 14 to 18 to have their child aged 0 to 5 vaccinated free of charge against measles, yellow fever, tetanus, Hepatitis B, meningitis, diphtheria, whooping cough, poliomyelitis » indicates the Ministry of Health, which aims to strengthen the collective immunity of children.

But also the administration of vitamin A will be available. In addition to childhood vaccination, pregnant women will also be able to benefit from tetanus vaccination. So to take advantage of this important campaign for the well-being of children, each parent will have to go to the usual vaccination sites in the city of Port-gentil. Massive support is therefore expected by each family, something which will also contribute to improving vaccination coverage among children.

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