WHO calls for development of new antibacterial agents to fight serious infections

WHO calls for development of new antibacterial agents to fight serious infections
WHO calls for development of new antibacterial agents to fight serious infections

The World Health Organization (WHO) has called for the development of new, innovative antibacterial agents to combat serious infections.

Although the number of antibacterial agents in clinical development has increased from 80 in 2021 to 97 in 2023, there is a pressing need to develop new, innovative agents to combat serious infections and replace those that become ineffective due to their widespread use“, indicated the WHO in a report, published Friday, on antibacterial agents.

“Antimicrobial resistance is only getting worse, yet we are not developing innovative products fast enough to combat the most dangerous and deadly bacteria,” said WHO Acting Assistant Director-General for Antimicrobial Resistance. antimicrobial resistance, Yukiko Nakatani.

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She added, in this sense, that “even when new products are authorized, access remains a significant challenge”, noting that “antibacterial agents are simply not reaching patients who desperately need them”.

Of the 32 antibiotics under development to treat infections appearing in the WHO list of priority pathogens, only 12 can be considered innovative, specifies the report, noting that 4 agents among these 12 are active against at least 1 pathogen. criticism” of the WHO.

Regarding newly approved antibacterials, since July 1, 2017, 13 new antibiotics have obtained marketing authorization. However, only 2 represent a new chemical class and can be described as innovative, highlighting the scientific and technical challenge of discovering new antibacterials that are both effective and safe against bacteria for humans.

With MAP



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