a recall in progress in many brands

a recall in progress in many brands
a recall in progress in many brands

In France, each region has its traditions. The Bretons have crepes. In the Alps, we swear by raclette. In the Grand Est, sauerkraut is the typical dish. And each region is also distinguished by its cheeses. Unfortunately, all these delicacies may be subject to a product recall. Especially if you buy them in supermarkets. Thus, Corsican sheep’s tomme does not escape this phenomenon.

Recently, we have experienced similar procedures on many dairy products. Like Reblochon, Maroilles, Mozzarella. Very often, it is the producers or distributors who sound the alert, in order to preserve the health of consumers. In the case of Corsican sheep’s tomme, it was the manufacturer who warned the public, to limit the risks. But why remove this cheese from sale? We’ll take stock right away!

Dangerous Corsican sheep’s tome: what you need to know

Artisans, industrialists and traders… All these companies have a responsibility when they sell an item. Products must not cause accidents or illnesses. In case of doubt, the recall helps inform and protect the population. As a precaution, the Schoepfer company has decided to launch a procedure via Rappel Conso :

  • The recall targets batches of Corsican sheep’s tomme, sold in plastic, in 200 g format, via the Schoepfer brand.
  • The procedure concerns batches no. 25025040, with a shelf life set for June 29, 2024.

Consumers were able to find this cheese in many stores across France. Particularly at Intermarché, Super U, SPAR, Leclerc and Casino. And this, between June 5 and 10. But here’s why this Corsican sheep’s cheese presents a risk: bacterial contamination is suspected. And more specifically, the presence of Listeria. Which can cause various symptoms in consumers (fever, headache, body aches, etc.). But listeriosis can also causer serious neurological complications in fetuses and pregnant women. Also, if you recently purchased this cheese, you absolutely should not eat it. Bring it back to the store for a refund. Or contact customer service on 04 90 13 61 52.



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