This diet reduces the risk of mortality in women by 23%, according to a very serious study

This diet reduces the risk of mortality in women by 23%, according to a very serious study
This diet reduces the risk of mortality in women by 23%, according to a very serious study

A study carried out over more than 25 years has just revealed surprising results. A particular diet would reduce the risk of mortality by nearly 23% in women from all causes. We tell you everything!

When you want to lose weight, the reality is anything but a long, smooth river, especially when you reach a certain age and the excess pounds are well established. If a balanced and healthy diet remains the basis of any dietary adjustment combined with sports practice, there are still certain diets that are more effective than others. While some advocate the technique of intermittent fasting to effectively lose weight, others extol the merits of removing certain types of foods from their diet.

But what you need to know is that very often all these methods are not as beneficial for the body as we are led to think. So between DASH diets, Thonon diet, low carb or even Love, which diet is really effective while taking care to keep us in shape without being dangerous for our health? According to numerous studies including the 2024 ranking which evaluated no less than 30 diets, the Mediterranean diet is considered the best.

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What is the Mediterranean diet?

Followed by many followers around the world, the Mediterranean diet, also called the Cretan diet, is simply based on the eating habits of countries around the Mediterranean. Antioxidants, omega 3, fiber, fruits, vegetables, legumes, lean meats, eggs, olive oil, seeds, spices and seeds are part of this diet whose numerous benefits are no longer in doubt. Dairy products are also consumed in the form of fresh cheese or yogurt while sweets and red meat should be consumed in moderation.

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A diet good for the body and the mind which entirely excludes ultra-processed industrial products as well as very fatty, very salty and very sugary foods to allow the body to age in the best possible way. While we already knew the many benefits of the Mediterranean diet, a study conducted by researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital has just added another to the long list.

The Medirammen diet helps reduce the risk of mortality in women

It was after studying the results of nearly 25,000 American women over a very long period of 25 years that the researchers were able to reach this conclusion. Among all the participants, it was revealed that these women had a mortality risk of up to 23% less than the others from all causes combined with a little more particular attention to the causes of death linked to cancer or cardiovascular diseases.

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Published in the scientific journal JAMA, these results highlighted changes in biomarkers of metabolism, inflammation and insulin resistance in these women: “Following a Mediterranean diet could lead to a reduction in the risk of death by around a quarter over 25 years., reveals Samia Mora, cardiologist and director of the Center for Lipid Metabolomics at Brigham. Very good news, comments the main author of the study, Shafqat Ahmad, associate professor of epidemiology at Uppsala University in Sweden: “This finding highlights the potential of encouraging healthier eating habits to reduce overall mortality risk“.

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