the truth and the falsehood for this summer

If swallows announce spring, the increase in fuel reports heralds the summer holidays. This year again, it’s all set like clockwork. Among other topics recently discussed in the TV news, a very high fuel budget in July-August, crazy prices at motorway service stations and the arrival of a new “100% bio” diesel. Really? Let’s decipher.

“This summer, fuel prices at gas stations will soar!”

All it took was for oil-producing countries to announce that they would continue to limit their production until 2025 for us to be predicted high prices at the pump this summer… Is this really what is hanging over our noses? Not sure. And for good reason, a week later, OPEC+ (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries: there are 24 in total) modified its position. Finally, the organization will open (a little) the floodgates at the start of the school year. Added to the increase in American strategic crude stocks (a sign of demand perhaps less sustained than expected), the news caused the price of black gold to fall. Result, on the totems, the time is declining, especially for diesel which is returning to summer 2023 prices more quickly than E10. In short, don’t panic.
“Taking gas on the highway is the punishment”
Some media outlets have recently expressed surprise at the prices on the motorway, which are on average 15 cents more expensive than elsewhere. However, this is nothing new. Today, as in the past, this gap – partly due to operating costs and charges at motorway service stations – has always existed. The proof is that, according to’s surveys, diesel is currently on average €1.86/l on the motorway and €1.69 off it (€1.99 compared to €1.83 for E10). That is a difference of 16 to 17 cents between the two networks. Exactly the same as a year ago… to the day!
“In ex-BP stations, fuel will be cheaper”
This is, for once, good news. The disappearance of the BP brand, two thirds of whose 254 stations have already come under the Esso flag, could lead to a drop in prices. In any case, this is the promise of Euro Garages, the owner of the service stations. It undertakes to apply prices close to those of Total Access and others. To have. Knowing that as it stands, a liter of fuel already costs, on average, 12 cents less at Esso (including Express) than at BP.

“A new diesel is coming”

That’s right…in Germany. The name of this fuel? XTL for “X-to-Liquid”, a synthetic diesel produced from different raw materials: hydrogenated vegetable oils (HVO), biomass (BTL) or gas (GTL). Across the Rhine, HVO100 biodiesel – whose CO2 emissions would be reduced by 90% – has been available since May 29, at a price higher than that of diesel (+5 to 10 cents).
And in France ? Its official arrival is imminent… But only in the form of non-road diesel (NGR), that is to say reserved for agricultural and construction machinery. A first step, just to follow in the footsteps of B100, another biodiesel (derived mainly from rapeseed), already used on our roads by certain heavy goods vehicles. The XTL is not there, in particular because it is, for the moment, not eligible for Crit’Air 1 stickers (unlike the B100). As for seeing it, one day, freely distributed at the pump for “general public” use, nothing is certain.
Technically, there is no obstacle: it is compatible without modification with certain certified diesel engines. On the other hand, fiscally, the government would have to grant it generous tax exemptions to make it competitive. Otherwise, it would be displayed on the totems at a prohibitive price.

“Will we be able to wash our car at the resort this summer?”
This is the subsidiary question. According to our information, the Drought Guide from the Ministry of Ecological Transition will not be relaxed. In the event of an alert this summer, high pressure washing will remain authorized. Same in gantry, but only in Eco mode. On the other hand, at the “crisis” level, the taps will be turned off. That being said, given what has just happened in France, we are far from the situation of 2023…

Photo credit: Adobe Stock



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