Free breakfast at school: 1,583 students affected in Saint-Etienne

Free breakfast at school: 1,583 students affected in Saint-Etienne
Free breakfast at school: 1,583 students affected in Saint-Etienne

The free school breakfast operation is a system aimed at combating inequalities and promoting the learning of taste. Launched six years ago by Jean-Michel Blanquer, the system is still effective in Saint-Etienne schools. The measure has just been renewed by the municipality for the 2023-2024 school year.

It is estimated that one in eight children arrive at school hungry., explains Robert Karulak, deputy mayor of Saint-Etienne in charge of education, youth, and student life. It is based on this observation that as soon as the free school breakfast system was launched by the State, the City of Saint-Etienne experimented with the operation in the Tarentaize-Beaubrun district, then expanded it. the following years. The initiative was set up by Jean-Michel Blanquer to promote equal opportunities, teach young people to eat well, and promote local products.

14,000 small beneficiaries

The operation was therefore unanimously renewed for the 2023-2024 school year, during the last municipal council meeting, on Monday May 27. “ This year, ten additional schools will be able to benefit from itspecifies Robert Karulak. For a week, or four days, the students will have balanced breakfasts, with local, organic and varied products.” Concretely, the National Education covers the meal, to the tune of 1.30 euros, and the City organizes their distribution. In total, 1,583 students are affected in Saint-Etienne, for a budget of 17,000 euros. Since its establishment, the operation has distributed breakfasts to 14,000 students.



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