start of mosquito control operations following the discovery of a case

start of mosquito control operations following the discovery of a case
start of mosquito control operations following the discovery of a case

A mosquito control operation will take place in Toulouse (Haute-Garonne) on the night of June 4 to 5, 2024 after the discovery of a case of dengue, zika or chikungunya. For 2024, the number of people affected by these tropical diseases has been alarming since April.

The Marengo district in Toulouse (Haute-Garonne) will disappear in a cloud of smoke during the night of June 4 to 5, 2024. A mosquito control operation will take place there, following the discovery of a person having contracted either dengue, zika or chikungunya, as revealed by Journal Toulousain. All are viral infections that are transmitted from mosquitoes to humans.

Imported and indigenous dengue cases increased sharply in Occitania between May and November 2023. And the forecasts are alarming for this year with a tiger mosquito present in all departments.

As of April 23, Santé Publique France sounded the alarm in its latest study, which revealed that “the tiger mosquito was now established in 78 French departments and the number of reports of imported cases has reached record figures since January 1, 2024.

This operation, organized on the instructions of the Regional Health Agency (ARS) of Occitanie, will consist of spraying insecticide from a 4×4 vehicle, with additional interventions if necessary.

The treatment used must make it possible to eradicate the Aedes albopictus, commonly known as the “tiger mosquito”, suspected of transmitting these diseases.

The procedure is considered without any particular danger but precautions are recommended:

  • Close windows overlooking public roads when the vehicle passes and keep them closed for one hour
  • Avoid direct exposure to the spray cloud
  • Bring in laundry, toys and food from outside
  • Keep pets away or indoors and protect their bowls
  • Wait 3 days to eat vegetables and fruits from the garden after washing them


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