A call for projects for an “Alzheimer Friendly” hospital

A call for projects for an “Alzheimer Friendly” hospital
A call for projects for an “Alzheimer Friendly” hospital

To give healthcare teams the means to develop their initiatives in order to make the hospital “Alzheimer Friendly”, the Médéric Alzheimer Foundation, in partnership with the French Hospital Federation (FHF) and the Federation of Hospital and Aid Establishments private individuals in solidarity (FEHAP), are renewing their call for projects on this theme.

Because a stay in hospital can aggravate the loss of autonomy and increase the problems of a person living with Alzheimer’s disease, initiatives are being developed to make the hospital “Alzheimer Friendly”, with actions to team improving the reception and care of people living with the disease. All initiatives illustrating this can be financed as part of this call for projects. The grant (50,000 euros) can thus be used for the implementation of an action, but also for its development, its evaluation or its dissemination but also to finance, for example, training actions, man-time, the purchase of equipment, communication tools, evaluation actions, events, space planning, etc.

En pratique
Cet appel à projets "Vers un hôpital Alzheimer Friendly", doté de 50 000 euros, est ouvert à toute structure sanitaire accueillant des personnes vivant avec la maladie d’Alzheimer :
- services d’urgences et hospitalisation (cardiologie, neurologie, orthopédie…) ;
- hôpitaux de jour dans les établissements de court séjour (Médecine, Chirurgie, Obstétrique) ;
- services administratifs ;
- services de soins de suite et de réadaptation ;
- établissements de santé mentale ;
- services de consultations externes.
Les candidats auront jusqu’au 15 août 2024 pour envoyer un dossier de candidature. Toutes les informations seront en ligne sur les sites de la FHF, de la FEHAP et de la Fondation Médéric Alzheimer. Les lauréats seront annoncés lors de la Semaine Bleue, soit la première semaine d’octobre 2024.
• Plus d'informations et dépôt de candidatures sur le site de la Fédération hospitalière de France


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