Breast cancer: your treatments will soon be fully reimbursed by Social Security!

Breast cancer: your treatments will soon be fully reimbursed by Social Security!
Breast cancer: your treatments will soon be fully reimbursed by Social Security!

1 in 8 women will be affected by breast cancer in their lifetime. This illness is recognized as a long-term condition (ALD), which theoretically allows 100% coverage of care by Social Security.

But in reality, women still face significant out-of-pocket costs during the care and post-cancer journey.. These so-called “comfort” costs, which are in fact essential, are legion: transport costs, consultations with an osteopath, changing breast prostheses, psychological follow-up, etc.

A bill tabled by communist deputy Fabien Roussel, adopted at first reading by the National Assembly on May 30, 2024, aims to correct this. We explain to you what this could change for you.

Breast cancer: an out-of-pocket cost amounting to thousands of euros

Women suffering from breast cancer sometimes depend on very large sums of money even though they are placed under the Long-Term Illness Protection (ALD) regime.

For what ? Quite simply because access to certain professionals or certain “comfort care” is not reimbursed. A study by the National Cancer League explains that this outlay comes from:

  • 29% of medicines are not or barely reimbursed;
  • 26% of follow-up examinations;
  • 26% of consultations not reimbursed by Social Security (dieticians, osteopaths, acupuncturists);
  • 23% of excess fees, particularly for changing a breast prosthesis;
  • 18% of dermatological creams;
  • And 10% of suitable clothing or underwear.

These out-of-pocket expenses, which can amount to thousands of euros, lead to many people giving up care.

What does the bill adopted at first reading provide?

The proposed law aims for full coverage of care related to the treatment of breast cancer by Health Insurance. The objective: to improve the daily lives and reconstruction of patients.

As adopted by the National Assembly, the text plans to exempt women treated for breast cancer:

Even more, the proposed law ratifies 100% coverage:

  • Fee overruns that may result from breast treatment;
  • And supportive care and prostheses prescribed throughout the care pathway for people suffering from breast cancer.

For the moment, these treatments are not described but they could involve hair prostheses, renewal of breast prostheses, etc. A decree implementing the law will clarify this list in due course.



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