Socialist Karim Bouamrane has refused his ticket for the government…

Socialist Karim Bouamrane has refused his ticket for the government…

Ruffin does not like the political “sad circus”

Somme MP François Ruffin was a guest on BFMTV. And as usual, he did not mince his words about the current political situation. He dismantled “a kind of sad circus” and “names that are thrown around in series” and spoke of his “fatigue” and his “disgust” for the political situation in the country.

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The mayor of Saint-Ouen also tackles the PS

Like Carole Delga, Karim Bouamrane also regretted that his party (the PS) did not support the nomination of Bernard Cazeneuve. “Reality is catching up with us today. We find ourselves with measures in a budgetary blueprint that will be assimilated to austerity. We will have positions that will associate us with conservatism and we will enter into political instability because I remain convinced that Michel Barnier’s government will be doomed to failure,” he lamented.

Karim Bouamrane refused his ticket for the government

The socialist mayor of Saint-Ouen, Karim Bouamrane, has indeed received an offer to join the government. A member of the Socialist Party, he claims to have “declined” the offer. “For me, that would be a compromise. We end up with a right-wing Prime Minister validated by the National Rally, a Prime Minister under supervision,” he explained on Franceinfo.

Annie Genevard would like to work in National Education

The same Annie Genevard was also asked about her future. The Doubs MP is clearly Michel Barnier compatible and would see herself in National Education, a position she “would certainly accept” if it were offered to her. According to the secretary of the Republicans, “logic” dictates that her political party participate in Michel Barnier’s future government. Perhaps not the logic of the ballot box, replies the left.

“The French are expecting right-wing solutions,” says the vice-president of the National Assembly

We have the best political phrase of the day. “The French expect solutions from the right,” says Annie Genevard. The Doubs MP, who is also vice-president of the National Assembly, was Jean-Jacques Bourdin’s guest this morning. Yes, but why did the party get less than 5% in the presidential election and only have 47 MPs, our colleague says…

The secretary general of the Republicans, who claims that “we must not touch the pension reform”, also specifies that Michel Barnier is “reassuring”.

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Will the thorny issue of housing be the government’s priority?

Housing is in crisis. Many French people are unable to find housing or invest. The construction market is in very serious difficulty. In short, the housing issue must be one of this government’s priorities.

This Wednesday, we learned that the number of households waiting for social housing will reach 2.7 million in 2024, an increase of 100,000 applicants compared to 2023, the Social Union for Housing (USH) announced on Wednesday. “This is a demand that is increasing everywhere,” commented Emmanuelle Cosse, its president and former Minister of Housing.

Carole Delga “regrets” that Bernard Cazeneuve was not chosen

Having shown support for the former Minister of the Interior, Carole Delga spoke out about her non-appointment to Matignon: “I regret that the leadership of my party did not wish to show its support for Bernard Cazeneuve.”

Carole Delga would not like to sit alongside Michel Barnier

The socialist president of the Occitanie region, Carole Delga, assured on France 2 on Wednesday that she would not “participate in a government which does not respect the vote of the French people” while the Prime Minister, Michel Barnier, is trying to put together his future government team.

“I will not participate in a right-wing government supported by the extreme right,” declared Carole Delga, adding that, if she were an MP, she would vote for a motion of censure against Michel Barnier’s government “because the choice of the President of the Republic does not respect the vote of the French people.”

In France, “we are lambs” according to this Renaissance MP

The Yvelines MP Karl Olive believes that in France, we are “lambs”. Well, especially the MPs of the National Assembly. “Thirty fake news from Mr. Trump in 90 minutes, a little less for Mrs. Harris. We are lambs when we rub shoulders in the National Assembly. We are small players”, declared with a smile the mayor of Poissy and Macronist MP.

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Brigitte and Emily together in Paris

The political day was rather quiet yesterday in France. It had become so rare that we had forgotten what it was. The main news of the day is perhaps this completely unexpected thing. Yes, Brigitte Macron will indeed be in the series Emily in Paris broadcast on Netflix.

It should be noted that filming took place in April, well before the joyous political mess we have been (and still are) confronted with in recent months.

In the United States, Taylor Swift presents herself as Kamala Harris

And in France, which artists have given their support to Michel Barnier? Frankly, we are interested in one or two names. There is not one that comes to mind.

If you missed the American presidential debate, we’ve put together a little best-of here.

Macron is testing his presidential costume in retreat

“The president presides, the government governs.” For his first field trip since Michel Barnier’s appointment as Prime Minister, Emmanuel Macron applied the executive’s new motto to the letter on Tuesday, inaugurating, with restraint, a Sanofi group vaccine factory.

There was no major speech, no announcements, no exchange with the press: the head of state, very isolated since the dissolution of the Assembly and the political earthquake that followed, donned his presidential robes in the background, leaving, for once, the new right-wing Prime Minister in the front line.

The Prime Minister continues his tour of the right

Michel Barnier is due to meet this Wednesday in Reims with the 33 deputies of the Horizons group, Édouard Philippe’s party, and the 36 of the MoDem, François Bayrou’s party, in Cély-en-Bière in Seine-et-Marne. He could then go to the parliamentary days of his political family LR at the end of the week in Aix-les-Bains.

Barnier promises “a new government” and not “a reshuffle”

Meeting Tuesday evening with the deputies of the Macronist group Ensemble pour la République during their parliamentary days in Rosny-sur-Seine, Michel Barnier promised, according to participants, to respect “all sensitivities” within the Renaissance group renamed EPR, placed in an inextricable and unprecedented situation: defeated in the legislative elections, it must support the Prime Minister chosen by Emmanuel Macron, from the right and the Republicans (LR).

“This is a new government and not a reshuffle,” the former European Commissioner further explained, suggesting a major renewal of ministers.

Welcome to this new Live

Hello everyone. While the composition of the government is underway, the drafting of 20 Minutes is once again mobilized to give you all the political information. Yesterday, Michel Barnier went to meet with the deputies of the Macronist group Ensemble pour la République. The objective was in particular to reassure the left wing of the presidential party. The Prime Minister therefore explained that his team would not lean only to the right while LR ministers could be appointed.


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