management ordered to “improve” its copy

management ordered to “improve” its copy

The social plan of the group, which employs 2,400 people in France, at its sites in Port-Jérôme and Fos-sur-mer (Bouches-du-Rhône), initially planned the elimination of 677 jobs.

The management of ExxonMobil France was ordered by the State services to “improve” the support measures for its employees provided for in its social plan and has therefore “given more time” to the negotiation, we learned on Monday from concordant sources. “It appears necessary to review the information and consultation schedule in order to allow an exchange on the improvement of the measures with the staff representative bodies”, write the regional services of the Ministry of Labor (DRIEETS) in a letter consulted, confirming information from France Bleu Normandie. “We have given more time”, indicated the management of the group for France, mentioning “discussion” sessions until Friday, September 20, which is confirmed by the CGT ExxonMobil.

“We are in a central CSE meeting, we are presenting a list of positions to be preserved to management. We will be negotiating the text of the PSE from 3:00 p.m.,” said Germinal Lancelin, CGT delegate of the Port-Jérôme refinery (Seine-Maritime) on Monday.

The social plan of the group, which employs 2,400 people in France, at its sites in Port-Jérôme and Fos-sur-mer (Bouches-du-Rhône), initially planned the elimination of 677 jobs. This plan has provoked a long-term strike movement in Normandy.

A minimum floor of 50,000 euros in compensation for voluntary departures

The CFDT denounced on Monday a “social dialogue in impasse”, pointing to an “intransigent management, not inclined to take into consideration the proposals of the staff representatives”, a view contested by the group. “Throughout the summer, there was a process of negotiations since there were eight meetings”, retorted the management, highlighting the downward revision of the workforce reductions from 677 to 620, a figure still likely to be revised during the ongoing discussions.

“We say that there was a negotiation and that this negotiation allowed progress to be made, in the interest of employees,” insisted the management, which also highlighted the improvement of age measures for early retirement.

At Monday’s meeting with union representatives, she also put on the table a minimum floor of 50,000 euros in compensation for people leaving voluntarily, “to meet the demands concerning the youngest employees, who are not affected by the age measures,” she said. “Our objective remains to limit forced departures, either with age measures or with compensation,” she said.


PREV the new government should not be known “before Sunday”, according to the spokesperson for the LR deputies, Vincent Jeanbrun