Lola case: trial at the assizes for murder accompanied by rape, torture or acts of barbarity required

Lola case: trial at the assizes for murder accompanied by rape, torture or acts of barbarity required

The case had caused extremely strong emotion in her neighborhood and even across the entire country. That of the murder of little Lola, a 12-year-old teenager living in a building on rue Manin, in the 19th arrondissement of Paris, in October 2022. Two years after the terrible events, the Paris prosecutor’s office issued its final indictment a few days ago.

According to information from RMC, confirmed by Le Parisien, the Parisian judicial authority is requesting a “trial at the assizes for murder accompanied by rape, torture or act of barbarity”. And this, against the main accused in this case, Dahbia B., 26 years old. In the document of around a hundred pages, the prosecution reports a “wave of violence” physical and sexual and a “clear logic of humiliation” of which the young Lola was the victim, report our colleagues.

The Paris prosecutor’s office confirmed this morning to “Le Parisien” that it had “requested the indictment (and therefore the referral to the assize court) of Dahbia B. for the offences of rape of a minor with torture or acts of barbarism (a crime carrying a life sentence), and murder of a minor under 15 years of age accompanied by rape, torture or acts of barbarism (a crime also carrying a life sentence)”.

Criminally liable

Lola’s body was discovered on the evening of October 14, 2022, in a trunk spotted by a homeless person inside the building at 119, rue Manin, shortly after 11 p.m. A few hours earlier, Lola’s mother raised the alarm that her daughter had not returned from school located just a few meters from the home. CCTV footage later showed that Lola had indeed returned to the building, before getting into the elevator with a stranger.

Housed in the same building, this stranger, Dahbia B., takes the young girl to the 6th floor. This is where she allegedly killed Lola before abusing her. A crime whose cruelty makes the suspect liable to life imprisonment.

“It is now up to the investigating judge to decide by order on the qualifications he will retain and the possible referral to the assize court,” recalls the Paris prosecutor’s office. Contacted on Monday, September 16, Me Alexandre Silva, Dahbia B.’s lawyer, specified that he did not wish to make a statement.

Since the events, Dahbia B. has been the subject of several psychiatric assessments. The most recent concluded, in early 2024, that she was criminally responsible, describing her personality as “severely pathological” and marked by “high criminological dangerousness”. As part of the investigation, a reconstruction of the facts took place last February, in the presence of the suspect.


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