the new government should not be known “before Sunday”, according to the spokesperson for the LR deputies, Vincent Jeanbrun

the new government should not be known “before Sunday”, according to the spokesperson for the LR deputies, Vincent Jeanbrun

Regarding the 2025 budget project, its preparation must respect a strict timetable and protocol, including two consultations, which require a total of around fifteen days. Before presenting the text to Parliament, Matignon must in fact collect the opinions of experts from the High Council of Public Finances and lawyers from the Council of State.

Regarding the formation of the government, it is customary for the Prime Minister to organise consultations with the political parties represented in Parliament. Last week, Michel Barnier met, first of all, with the three parties in the presidential camp (Renaissance, MoDem and Horizons), before talking with Les Républicains (his political party), who have agreed to participate in the future government.

Gabriel Attal, Jean Castex, Gérard Larcher, Laurent Wauquiez, Bruno Retailleau, Elisabeth Borne and Yaël Braun-Pivet are all interlocutors of these consultations. These consultations are clearly geared towards elected representatives from the centre and the right: Horizons, MoDem, Ensemble pour la République, Les Républicains and those from the Liberties, Independents, Overseas and Territories (LIOT) group.

On the left, the socialists refused to meet the occupant of Matignon before his general policy statement. The Ecologists wish to discuss with Michel Barnier after the announcement of his government and before his general policy statement. The national coordinator of La France insoumise, Manuel Bompard, assured on Tuesday that his party had not received an invitation and implied that, in any case, it would not go to meet the prime minister.

In the end, only the communists announced that they would meet Michel Barnier. But Fabien Roussel, national secretary of the PCF, said “without illusion” As for the new head of government, “who has fifty years of political life and has never done anything social in our country”The communist representatives will be received on Tuesday.


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