“Our approach is to make mental health accessible and a priority”

“Our approach is to make mental health accessible and a priority”
“Our approach is to make mental health accessible and a priority”

Finances News Hebdo: Can you introduce Veezen to us in a few words? What is the mission of your start-up?

Asthma Alaoui: The idea for Veezen took root in a particularly revealing context: the Covid-19 pandemic. This period has highlighted a significant increase in mental health issues, including employee disengagement. Studies from this time clearly showed a surge in stress-related disorders, anxiety and depression, exacerbated by the isolation and uncertainties linked to the pandemic. But the inspiration for Veezen doesn’t just come from this global data. It was also born from personal observations and experiences, seeing friends, colleagues and acquaintances struggle with mental health challenges in their professional lives. These stories, often shared privately, revealed a reality common to many employees: the feeling of being overwhelmed, neglected or misunderstood by their employers when it comes to mental well-being. This realization made me realize that companies, although often well-intentioned, there is a gap between the real mental health needs of employees and the solutions offered by employers. Too often, corporate wellness programs don’t go beyond superficial measures, leaving employees feeling isolated in their struggle. Veezen was therefore designed to bridge this gap. Our mission is twofold: on the one hand, to raise awareness and educate companies on the importance of mental health and, on the other hand, to provide tools and concrete solutions that truly resonate with the needs of employees. We want every employee to feel supported and understood, and every business to be equipped to respond effectively to mental health challenges. Our approach is to make mental health accessible and a priority, not just for HR managers and leaders, but for every individual within the organization. Our start-up maximizes the well-being of corporate employees through wellbeing conferences and workshops, led by expert doctors, and, if necessary, personalized support to detect the warning signs of stress or professional exhaustion (burn-out). , and to propose appropriate preventive measures.

FNH: Did you face any financial difficulties at the start of Veezen’s launch? If so, how did you manage to overcome them?

A. A. : No, because we didn’t look for any. My experience as an entrepreneur has taught me that it is more strategic “at startup” to channel your energy and focus on customer acquisition, development and validation of your product with these potential customers rather than actively seeking external funding, particularly from venture capitalists (VCs). Veezen’s DNA, from the start, has therefore been to prioritize action on the ground and a direct response to market needs. We have focused on concrete proof of our concept and validation of our product by customers. This approach has allowed us to remain agile, focused on our core business and independent of traditional funding cycles, thus promoting organic growth by relying on our own strengths and resources.

FNH: Could you tell us more about the business model you developed to launch your project?

A. A. : From the launch of Veezen, we wanted to offer real added value to our customers, by moving away from the business of escapism to focus on concrete solutions aimed at promoting well-being within companies. Our business model reflects this ambition: it is specifically designed to meet the mental health needs of companies. To do this, we have integrated advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence and virtual reality, in order to create solutions that precisely meet our customers’ expectations. Development began with a “Minimum Lovable Product” (MLP), which was tested with various companies. This approach allowed us to assess their willingness to invest in solutions adapted to their specific mental health challenges. A significant portion of our revenue is reinvested in research and development, ensuring continuous improvement of our services and maintaining our leading position in innovation. Veezen’s goal is to create a comprehensive and personalized ecosystem for mental health and well-being within businesses, fostering a proactive approach to well-being at work. This business model aims not only to improve the mental health of employees, but also to increase productivity and job satisfaction, thus generating a significant return on investment for our partners.

FNH: What are your long-term prospects?

A. A. : Our future ambitions at Veezen are to continue to innovate and improve our services. We plan to expand our range of technological solutions to offer even more personalized and effective mental health support. We also want to strengthen our partnerships with mental health experts and extend our reach to more companies, helping to create healthier and more productive work environments. Finally, we aspire to be at the forefront of research and development in the field of corporate mental health, continuing to integrate the latest technological and scientific advances into our solutions.



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