the “More nature in my orchard” operation seems to be bearing fruit four years after its launch

the “More nature in my orchard” operation seems to be bearing fruit four years after its launch
the “More nature in my orchard” operation seems to be bearing fruit four years after its launch


Valentine Exantus

Published on

Oct. 15 2024 at 1:50 p.m

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2020, year of Covid-19 but also of new initiative in the Meuse. That year, recalls L’Est Républicain, the Meuse Grand Sud urban community in collaboration with the Meuse nature environment association launched “More nature in my orchard”.

The objective? On the one hand promote dynamic biodiversityby recreating spaces for pollinators. On the other hand reintroduce local varietiesoften old and little known to the general public, such as the berries of the aronia, one of the fruits richest in antioxidants.

The results four years later

Four years after the launch of “More nature in my orchard”, 20 orchards were created or restored in 19 municipalities of the agglomeration, including Bar-le-Duc, Savonnières-devant-Bar, Nantois and Saint-Amand-sur-Ornain.

In total, almost 600 volunteersincluding 280 students, participated in the plantation of 1,400 fruit treesmainly old varieties.

The project initiators benefited from a funding of 350,000 eurosprovided by several regional partners.

Videos: currently on Actu

Spaces open to the public

Beyond the numbers, the operation strengthened social cohesion in the villages.

Today the orchards are accessible to the public, with an invitation to pick the fruit while respecting nature, in an approach that combines education and fight against waste.

HAS Nantois and Saint-Amand-sur-Ornainfor example, elected officials transform orchards into places of meeting and conviviality, with benches, tables and festive events. For residents, these spaces offer a return to basics, where nature and community come together around a shared harvest.

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