Morocco and Belgium sign a memorandum against cross-border crime

Morocco and Belgium sign a memorandum against cross-border crime
Morocco and Belgium sign a memorandum against cross-border crime

The Presidency of the Public Prosecutor’s Office of the Kingdom of Morocco and the Federal Prosecutor’s Office of the Kingdom of Belgium signed, Tuesday in Rabat, a memorandum of understanding (MoU) aimed at strengthening judicial cooperation in several areas, particularly in the fight against crime. organized cross-border.

Signed by the King’s Attorney General at the Court of Cassation, President of the Public Prosecutor’s Office, El Hassan Daki and the Federal Prosecutor of Belgium, Ann Fransan, this MoU paves the way for the development of technical programs for the sharing of experiences and good practices between the two institutions, with a view to consolidating international cooperation and improving the effectiveness of activities falling within the jurisdiction of the public prosecutor of the two countries.

During this meeting, the two parties examined ways to strengthen bilateral cooperation, both on the judicial and technical levels, in the fight against cross-border organized crime in all its forms.

The point was also made on the sharing of experiences and expertise in areas linked to the action of the Public Prosecutor’s Office in the two countries, through the organization of seminars and scientific conferences and the exchange of information. and visits.

Read also: Vienna: International conference against cross-border crime

This meeting also offered the opportunity to review the important developments in the justice system in Morocco and to highlight the distinguished Moroccan experience in terms of independence of the judiciary, in general and of the public prosecutor. especially.

Likewise, both parties presented relevant data relating to the areas of competence of the Public Prosecutor’s Office and its various projects, with the aim of strengthening judicial efficiency, in addition to issues of common interest.

In a statement to the press, Mr. Daki stressed that this signature constitutes a solid basis for moving forward in bilateral cooperation, noting that this MoU will make it possible to strengthen other mechanisms relating in particular to bilateral conventions with Belgium and to the provisions of criminal procedure, in matters of international cooperation.

He indicated that this partnership will promote the development of various areas, including legislation and training, as well as cooperative relations in the fight against cross-border crime.

For her part, Ms. Fransan noted that this MoU is of great importance in the context of international judicial cooperation linking the two countries, particularly with regard to the fight against organized crime and drug trafficking.

Morocco and Belgium, which work together excellently in the fight against terrorism, will develop, thanks to this memorandum, the same contact in the fight against organized crime, she added.

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