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“Our generation of children under 20 is in danger because the obesity epidemic is running as fast as Covid”, warns Dr Christian Recchia

“Our generation of children under 20 is in danger because the obesity epidemic is running as fast as Covid”, warns Dr Christian Recchia
“Our generation of children under 20 is in danger because the obesity epidemic is running as fast as Covid”, warns Dr Christian Recchia

More than a billion people worldwide, including children and adolescents, are believed to be victims. A true global scourge, obesity has increased in recent years almost everywhere, particularly in , an alarming situation that Doctor Christian Recchia deplores on Yahoo. “In the 2000s, we hoped to see the obesity epidemic stop. However, 20 years later, we see that obesity in France has doubled. he regrets while pointing out some of our actions.

For him, no awareness has arisen despite increasingly alarming figures. “We have not been able to combat sugar consumption, soda consumption, excessive consumption between meals. We have not been able to ask adults to explain to children that it is necessary to eat a balanced diet through healthy meals, through social action, educational action, prevention action”.

Remember, obesity is associated with an increase in mortality due to various pathologies such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and certain cancers. A reversible phenomenon according to some but which should cause concern. Faced with this terrible observation, Doctor Christian Recchia therefore calls for reacting as quickly as possible and taking stock of this critical situation.

“Putting the calories on trays bought at the supermarket is not enough. what matters is understanding. There is a major problem of sedentary lifestyle linked to screens, linked to the inability at the level of National Education to understand that sport is as important as mathematics, history-geography, French and languages ”. For him, there are no secrets: “Physical education will be one of the driving forces in the care of our obese people and will help stop this epidemic”.

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As Health Insurance points out on its website, it is important to prevent overweight and obesity from an early age by monitoring, for example, the body mass index (BMI) and the corpulence curve of children. A balanced diet and regular physical activity throughout life also help to avoid the risk of developing excess weight in adulthood.



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