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less than one in two French people respect barrier gestures in the event of symptoms

less than one in two French people respect barrier gestures in the event of symptoms
less than one in two French people respect barrier gestures in the event of symptoms
VioletaStoimenova / Getty Images 43% of respondents said they never wear a mask if they have symptoms, including in the presence of vulnerable people or in busy places.

VioletaStoimenova / Getty Images

43% of respondents said they never wear a mask if they have symptoms, including in the presence of vulnerable people or in busy places.

HEALTH – Mask, distance, hand washing… Four and a half years after the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, barrier gestures are no longer popular, and everyone suffers from it. This is what the study highlights « CoviPrev » published by Public Health this Tuesday, October 15, launch day of a new vaccination campaign against Covid and flu.

The report, which details the preventive behavior of the French in the face of winter viruses, highlights a worrying fact: the use of masks is declining, including in the event of symptoms.

If more than half of people eligible for vaccination against Covid and flu intend to make an appointment for the injection of a booster dose, barrier gestures to protect others are not used as much as ‘it would have to be. And in particular the wearing of masks, whose low adoption “is confirmed again”indicates Public Health France.

In fact, 43% of those questioned say they never wear a mask in the event of symptoms, including in the presence of vulnerable people or in busy places. Only 16% say they wear it ” often “et 13 % “systematically”.

The Public Health France report indicates that whatever the barrier gesture, the proportion of respondents declaring that they never respect them is higher. “among men, people in a situation of inactivity, people unfavorable to vaccination in general, people declaring not to be at risk of severe form of Covid-19, as well as people residing in rural areas”.

Also see on The HuffPost:

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