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Michel Cymes cashes in the face of a dig from the boss…

Michel Cymes cashes in the face of a dig from the boss…
Michel Cymes cashes in the face of a dig from the boss…

This Tuesday, June 25, Michel Cymes was invited to the set of C à vous, on France 5. While he has just passed a CAP in cooking, the famous doctor received a message from chef Jean-François Piège, who didn’t hesitate to tease him. Enough to make Michel Cymes come off his hinges.

A reconversion to come for

Michel Cymes ? Famous for his talents as a doctor for many years, the former host of Health Magazine is however much less known for his skills in the kitchen.

And yet, Michel Cymes recently passed your CAP cuisine, as Pierre Lescure revealed on the set of C à vous this Tuesday, June 25. The doctor was invited to promote the show “Who sleeps loses! The great experience of sleep”, broadcast on France 2. And during the talk show, Pierre Lescure took the opportunity to indicate that Michel Cymes had passed the test CAP cooking practice a few days before. A test that he “worked” for two years.

The teasing message from Jean-François Piège to Michel Cymes

The France 5 columnist also broadcast a video message from the chef
Jean-François Piège sent to the attention of Michel Cymes. A message in which he does not hesitate to tease his new “colleague”.

Hello Michel and
hello dear colleague because I think that soon you will pass the CAP in cooking, I wanted to ask you something today, not a prescription but rather a recipe, do you know what a choron sauce is made of?”
, we can hear the former juror of Top Chef. Words that made Michel Cymes smile but also react a lot. “Damn bastard, I knew it!”said the host, before adding: “so I don’t remember anymore, I’m going to kick in but Jean-François is really a bastard.

There he said ‘dear colleague’ and when I told him that I had just passed my CAP he told me what ‘colleague’ meant in cooking. He told me it was someone who did the same job, but less well, explained Michel Cymes. And this concludes with humor: “so Jean-François, ok I’ll hold you back! I don’t want to answer your question!”. Who loves well chatises as well.



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