The unlikely proposal Jessica received regarding the cars won by Emilien

The unlikely proposal Jessica received regarding the cars won by Emilien
The unlikely proposal Jessica received regarding the cars won by Emilien

Jessica was present last Thursday June 27 to support Emilien in The 12 strokes of noon. She claimed to have received an improbable proposal from a stranger… About the cars won by her boyfriend in the TF1 game.

Since its beginnings in The 12 strokes of noonEmilien knows that he can count on the unwavering support of his girlfriend Jessica. She is very often present on the set of the TF1 game show. And when she is not there, she does not hesitate to connect by videoconference to encourage him. This was precisely the case this Thursday. The young student expressed her encouragement and admiration for the man who has shared her life for two years. Beyond this praise, Jessica shared a funny anecdote about her daily life, which has been turned upside down since Emilien’s debut on the midday game show.

It’s a bit special“: Jessica, Emilien’s girlfriend (The 12 strokes of noon), admits to being recognized in the street

Last June, Jessica confided to Tele-Leisure that she was recognized in the street by the followers of 12 shots of noon : “People generally associate me with Émilien or Jean-Luc Reichmann (…) I am happy that people are talking to me about them. I am a supporter of Émilien above all.“. While the visual arts student assured that she enjoyed talking with these same people, she also confided that she remained skeptical about this sudden notoriety: “It’s a bit special. Especially since I didn’t ‘look for’ it, I didn’t do anything to (…) I make myself recognized, but I know that I am nobody“. This Thursday, Jessica revealed that new fans of the 12 noon strikes had recognized her, one of them even made her a (very) surprising proposition!

The 12 strokes of noon : the improbable proposal that Emilien’s girlfriend received concerning the cars won by the champion

And yes, the more Emilien continues his participations in The 12 strokes of noonthe more his fame grows. He is not the only one to experience the repercussions of this sudden notoriety, since Jessica is also the target. The 20-year-old student claimed to have been recognized again in the street: “I had a meeting, and I have a little message to send to Emilien” she confided before continuing: “There was a man on the bus who recognized me and talked to me.“. This mysterious stranger then made a strange proposition to the young woman: “He told me if you want I have a friend who rents garages for cars“. Behind this rather atypical offer, there is in reality a nice reference to the gifts won by Emilien. Indeed, Thanks to the 10 Mysterious Stars he obtained, the 21-year-old from Vendée now owns 10 cars ! Enough to fill a garage…



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