A village decides to open an old-fashioned grocery store, the Coopé makes a comeback.

A village decides to open an old-fashioned grocery store, the Coopé makes a comeback.
A village decides to open an old-fashioned grocery store, the Coopé makes a comeback.

Modeled on the legendary brand, born in 1902 in Alsace, a restaurateur from Dorlisheim will open a Coopé. The municipality helps him in the process.

In Alsace, the Coop was a reference among food stores until 2015, the date of the liquidation of the union of Alsace cooperators. Since then, the storefronts and the famous green sign have been replaced. But not everywhere. In Dorlisheim, south of Molsheim, the premises had been empty for around ten years. A local restaurateur had the idea of ​​recreating a store there, like the Coop before.

There was another brand for a while, but just before covid it closed” explains Olivier Geng, the initiator of the project, also a restaurateur in the town. “I always wanted to do a coop again.“It must be said that in Alsace, the Coopé, that’s what it was almost affectionately called, was the reference store for entire generations.

We are going to offer products from our region, but also some from the south of France, such as oil, balsamic vinegar, salt, and we are going to set up a beautiful wine cellar, with more than 150 references.” announcement Olivier Geng. There you will find coffees from Alsatian roasters, biscuits, nougats and gingerbreads made nearby. For meats and cold cuts, butchers and farms, which can meet demand, have been contacted.

La Coopé will open at the beginning of July in Dorlisheim.

© Olivier Geng, project initiator

To encourage the opening of this grocery store, the town hall rents the premises at a preferential rate. “She has already helped me open the restaurant, it is essential if we want to keep local businesses and all the dynamics associated with them, in small towns.” All that remains is to find a manager/manager for the store. Applications are open.

There is no doubt that there will be a little air of nostalgia in the new grocery store, but it is indeed aimed at today’s residents, at all ages and all budgets. It will be open until 8 p.m. on weekdays and Sunday mornings.

For Olivier Geng and the town, the new name of the brand was perfect. It will be “la Coopé”. Doors opening, early July 2024.



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