When offices are modernized

Martine Gauderon Alec

founder of the recruitment firm Alec Allan et Associés

Published on June 28, 2024 at 08:54. / Modified on June 28, 2024 at 08:55.

Just once, I want to talk about the transformations of the workspace dedicated to employees. Today, offices are being modernized through major upheavals. They are getting a new look, adapting to the 3.0 world to become more functional, more inspiring and incidentally less expensive.

Nowadays, a job is no longer assigned to a single individual, it is shared. The employee must be agile. He must fit easily into the organization of the company whose main goal remains its economic sustainability and the competitiveness of its products or services. The company is constantly working on strategies to maintain and develop its attractiveness, it innovates to be at the cutting edge of technology. It is also concerned about its social responsibility as well as its contribution to sustainable development, in particular ethics and the environment. The advocates of modernization are at work everywhere.

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