Here is the week to favor for a cheaper vacation this summer

Here is the week to favor for a cheaper vacation this summer
Here is the week to favor for a cheaper vacation this summer

You may be thinking about your next vacation destination this summer. And who says vacation, says budget… To make some savings, there are good plans, starting with the choice of the week in which you go. The flight comparator Skyscanner was interested in the subject. If we rely on the results of the platform, the week where we would pay the least is that of August 26.

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Savings up to 30%

If you book your holiday the week of August 26, you can save up to 30% on your booking compared to the week of August 5, says Skyscanner. That’s an average saving of €216 for a family of four. A figure not to be overlooked. The last week of August offers more attractive prices, as demand is less strong, notably with fewer families who are then preparing for the start of the school year. In the columns of Le Figaro, Michel-Yves Labbé, founder of Départ Demain, a site specializing in last-minute stays, analyzes: “Families, who easily occupy between three to six seats, no longer ensure the rapid and optimal filling of aircraft. Companies must therefore offer attractive prices to leave as few vacant seats as possible, until the end of their summer flight program which runs until October.“.

Skyscanner also tells us that destinations are to be favored for even more savings. This year, Tirana, the capital of Albania, saw its price drop by 26%. Ticket prices to Jakarta drop by 25%. The best week to go to the Indonesian capital is August 26. As for Rome in Italy and Reykjavik in Iceland, the drop is 15%. Australia is catching your eye? It’s time to go to Sydney, where the price of plane tickets has fallen by 14%.

Other tips to save even more

It’s not always easy to be on the lookout for good deals to travel cheaper this summer. Skyscanner offers to activate price alerts for the route of your choice. Also think about dupe destinations, one of the major travel trends of this year 2024. This term refers to more accessible places whose landscapes closely resemble places known for their high cost of living and where a trip can quickly leave you feeling tired. -cash. We have presented you with some dupe destinations in previous articles. The charming town of Leiden, located three hours from Brussels, reminds us of Amsterdam. On the Asturias side, in the North of Spain, the village of Cudillero gives us the impression of being transported to the Cinque Terres in Italy. In addition to paying less, you will discover new destinations and will also be able to move away from mass tourism.

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