A “low-cost” second-hand bookstore opens its doors in Paris

A “low-cost” second-hand bookstore opens its doors in Paris
A “low-cost” second-hand bookstore opens its doors in Paris

In March 2013 in Barcelona, ​​Mercedes Zendrera and Nicolas Weber, the founders of Re-Read, make a most worrying observation: the cultural sector, and more particularly that of books, is going through a deep crisis. They are all the more aware of this as they have been immersed in this universe for three generations, as publishers, booksellers, writers and passionate readers.

Determined to reinvent themselves and breathe new vitality into the sale of paper books, they gave birth to Re-Read« reread ” in English. Their first local bookstore is thus born, based on an innovative circular economy model.

Attractive places

The approach of Re-Read aims to achieve multiple objectives. It is naturally part of an eco-responsible ambition, seeking to offer new solutions to revive the second-hand book market, an area where initiatives “ are not that numerous », specify the founders. But the network of bookstores is also committed to “ making culture accessible to all “, by offering attractive unique prices, presented in an environment ” very pleasant ».

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The company stands out in particular for its visual aspect: nothing is left to chance. To do this, Re-Read collaborates with the Barcelona studio Talking Design Studio. This successful alliance earned the company three distinctions in the LAUS design competition: the bronze medal in 2014 for the company’s visual identity, the silver medal in 2014 for the ” naming », and the bronze medal in 2015 for the best video of the Re-Give Books solidarity campaign.

“Opportunity” and “organization”

Why launch in France? Nicolas Weber, co-founder, explains: “ I am French, which made it natural to open a bookstore in Paris. Paris, with its rich literary culture, is the ideal place for our expansion. This opening allows us to strengthen cultural exchanges between Spain and France and to bring a new dynamic to the second-hand book market. We are delighted. »

In Paris, there is only one watchword: classification and storage. “Pfor visitors who enter the first bookstore Re-Read Parisian, it’s a surprise: this is indeed a circular economy bookstore which offers a unique experience in every sense of the word. No other second-hand bookstore offers books at a single price, in a refined and designer universe “, the founders proudly detail.

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As for the prices of the books, they have been set by the bookstore, which will buy each second-hand book for €0.25. One book will cost €4, two books €7 and five books €15.

Image credit: Re-Read



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