What is the background of Adrien Jaminet, the only French luthier specializing in brass instruments?

What is the background of Adrien Jaminet, the only French luthier specializing in brass instruments?
What is the background of Adrien Jaminet, the only French luthier specializing in brass instruments?

A trumpet player since childhood with the hope of becoming a professional, Adrien Jaminet is now putting his know-how of repairer reseller manufacturer at the service of musicians.

“I had the spark in 3rd grade when I discovered the profession of luthier. From the age of 15, I bought old copper instruments at flea markets that I restored in the basement of the family home in Brétigny-sur-Orge.”

As his hobby turned into a passion, the requests multiplied. He settled in 2010 and became, at the age of 20, the only French luthier specializing in brass instruments.

Since then, his business has evolved over the years. “I became a reseller in 2013 to obtain spare parts. Two years later, I invested in more spacious premises. A leader in my field, I opened a second workshop in Lyon in 2019.”

Revisiting the Classics

Brought to a standstill by Covid, Adrien Jaminet breathes new life into his profession. “A discussion with Roger Delmotteformer solo trumpeter of the Paris Opera, made me aware of the disappearance of a certain type of trumpet.”

He who has just transformed his logo into a stamped tricolor cockade French Brass launches into manufacturing, a buried ambition. “I created a prototype that the Radio France Philharmonic Orchestra thought it would be interesting to try out for the resumption of its radio concerts.”

The success was such that orders poured in and then a new project was born. “The quarter-tone trumpet TOMA (Trompette of Michelangelo) is the fruit of a collaboration with Ibrahim Maalouf. She has been accompanying the musician since the end of 2022.”

“You have to cultivate your individuality as much as your curiosity! A craftsman must dare to take the plunge and then leave his workshop to discover other professions.”

Adrien Jaminet account eight employees and manufactures six models of trumpets. Numerous awards reward the know-how of this passionate craftsman who welcomes the greatest trumpet players on the planet into his workshop for masterclasses.

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