“Partir en livres”: two days to give children a taste for reading

“Partir en livres”: two days to give children a taste for reading
“Partir en livres”: two days to give children a taste for reading

Ariinatai Lichtle and Orama ienfa, project managers for the city of Papeete.

The commune of Papeete is organizing this Wednesday and Thursday the local version of a national event, “Leaving in books”to promote books and reading among schoolchildren. On Wednesday evening, a night event is open to the public.

This national event has been organized by the National Book Center under the leadership of the Ministry of Culture since 2015. And Papeete is organizing its third edition on Wednesday and Thursday in the gardens of the town hall. Partir en livres wants to promote the pleasure of reading among young people. On the program: animated readings, creative workshops, theater including an improvisation show where young spectators will have to create the story themselves, treasure hunts, an exhibition, a collaborative fresco… Enough to make the public want to immerse themselves in books and especially to get away from the screens! As Orama Ienfa, project manager for the city of Papeete, explains: “There are a lot of studies that have come out on books and the impact of screens on young people. The interest is to bring young people back to books so that they regain a taste for reading. Books are an escape, they develop vocabulary, they are full of good things. We try to bring children back to books and away from screens.”


Schoolchildren are therefore expected during the day. After the success of the Night of Reading, Papeete wanted to reorganize a public event. For the third edition of Partir en livre, a Wednesday night event is therefore open free of charge to the public. “At the municipal level, we are trying to give a greater share to books, outside of school time, when it is a time for learning. We want to give a taste for reading and the pleasure of reading. For that, we have a library and a bookmobile that goes to schools to lend books to children, because books are still expensive. We make books available for free so that they can enter all families.”

  • A night open to the general public will take place in the gardens of the town hall this Wednesday, from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Two days dedicated to schools are scheduled for this Wednesday and Thursday.


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