Construction work on the E411 motorway in Arlon is nearing completion

Construction work on the E411 motorway in Arlon is nearing completion
Construction work on the E411 motorway in Arlon is nearing completion

It has caused a lot of commotion, and it is the case to say so, this famous construction site on the E411 near Arlon. Nevertheless, the nightmare for cross-border workers using this section is about to end. As Sofico, the complementary financing company for Walloon infrastructure, announces, the construction site is nearing completion according to the announced schedule.

Traffic will indeed be restored on the rehabilitated roads towards Brussels from this Wednesday. However, as far as the roads towards Luxembourg are concerned, you will have to be a little more patient. “The removal of the construction site signs and separators will be carried out the following weekend in order to minimise the impact on traffic,” explains Héloïse Winandy, spokesperson for Sofico.

The routes to Luxembourg were freed a little later.

In concrete terms, this withdrawal involves reducing traffic over a period exceeding the interval between two peak hours. “It is therefore preferable to carry it out at the weekend,” she adds. Thus, the roads towards Luxembourg will be freed up for Monday 8 July.

As a reminder, this road resurfacing work between interchange no. 32 “Weyler” and interchange no. 31 “Arlon”, towards Brussels, began on 11 May. This project aimed to rehabilitate the motorway surface over its entire width over nearly six kilometres. Although the work concerned the section towards Brussels, traffic conditions had been modified in both directions, causing even more traffic jams than normal.

However, cross-border workers who live in Gaume will have to be a little more patient. Indeed, the construction of the interchange in Habay, which provides access to Étalle and Virton, will continue for several more months. The construction, which aims to modernize and secure the interchange with several roundabouts in particular, entered a new phase two weeks ago, causing new traffic conditions. The objective for Sofico is to complete the road developments at the beginning of 2025. “The last phase will involve the creation of the carpooling parking lot,” it specifies.



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