“Two living women (in Périgord under the occupation)”, by Hervé Brunaux

Hervé Brunaux is a poet, novelist and journalist. He has published around twenty books with various publishers. “Two Living Women” is the third part of his “Trilogy of Courage”, after “Of Gold and Sardines” and “At the Most Expensive of Our Lives” (Editions du Rouergue).

Two living women (in Périgord under occupation)

The synopsis of Hervé Brunaux’s latest book

In reverse mirror, the fate of Valentine, heroine of the clandestine war, is an example for all her comrades. The reality is however more disconcerting: the militiawoman’s family shelters Jewish families! Huguette warns them, at each roundup, of the danger that awaits them. This is essential to not alter the feelings that Louis has for her, but will it be enough to save her from the vindictiveness of the resistance fighters? For her part, Valentine multiplies acts of bravery, in defiance of the Nazi threat. Two women alive, two women in danger.

Based on historical facts, a powerful and disturbing novel.


“Two living women”by Hervé Brunaux, was published by La Geste.

Cover Two Living Women
© Editions La Geste


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