Death of Hezbollah leader: expert does not rule out Israeli invasion of Lebanon

Death of Hezbollah leader: expert does not rule out Israeli invasion of Lebanon
Death of Hezbollah leader: expert does not rule out Israeli invasion of Lebanon

The invasion of Lebanon by the State of Israel is a possible situation, according to an expert, if he believes that it would achieve its objectives.

• Also read: Killed by Israel, who was Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah?

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• Also read: “Everyone wants to end the State of Israel”: Hezbollah leader’s death a political and religious affront to his supporters, says journalist

“The Israelis are prepared to go all the way, and if they believe that a ground invasion will allow them to achieve their objectives, they will do it. I believe that on the Hezbollah side, what risks happening is […] that they are going to regroup, there are still several tens of thousands of fighters,” said Rachad Antonius, associate professor in the Department of Sociology at UQAM.

For Mr. Antonius, the death of the Hezbollah leader was not a surprise and the party expected its leader to be targeted by the neighboring state.

“This is a big change in the current equation in the Middle East. However, it wasn’t completely unexpected. This has been expected for years, and I suppose the Hezbollah “leadership” has also expected this. […] They probably tried to protect themselves, but I believe their intelligence system must have been infiltrated, which allowed this strike,” he analyzed.

Tensions in the Middle East

According to the professor, the resolution of the conflict in the Middle East will depend above all on a resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Around a hundred Israeli hostages are still being held by Hamas since the attack on October 7.

“What will [faire] Above all, to move forward is for there to be real peace proposals, for an end to the blockade. Besides the hostages, there are 41,000 Palestinians who died, about half of them [qui sont] women and children,” continued the expert, in an interview with TVA Nouvelles.

The professor believes that the struggle will continue as long as millions of Palestinians remain in the territories claimed by the Jewish state.

“It is not “game over” as they say, it is still a struggle which will continue because there are still millions of Palestinians in the territory and the main issue […] it is to find a peaceful solution for the Israeli-Palestinian problem which respects a minimum of rights for the Palestinians. And at the moment, Israel is not ready for such a solution,” he continued.

On the Israeli side, there have been around 1,200 deaths and, on the Lebanese side, nearly 1,600 over the past year.

Watch the full interview in the video above.



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