Dominique Lagrou-Sempère, former flagship journalist at TF1, joins the gang of TPMP columnists! (VIDEO)

Dominique Lagrou-Sempère, former flagship journalist at TF1, joins the gang of TPMP columnists! (VIDEO)
Dominique Lagrou-Sempère, former flagship journalist at TF1, joins the gang of TPMP columnists! (VIDEO)

A new face in Don’t touch my post!. Friday September 27, Cyril Hanouna integrated a new columnist into his team. “I would like us to welcome and applaud very loudly someone who joins us today. She is a great journalist, former reporter for the 1 p.m. news, she was with Jean-Pierre Pernaut, someone we love so much and who we miss enormously.”introduced Cyril Hanouna.

the former presenter: “I am very happy”

Three years after his departure from the front page, Dominique Lagrou-Sempère has not hidden his satisfaction at joining the gang and returning to the small screen. “I’m very happy. I discovered the public making hearts for me (with their hands). It’s nice”she rejoiced. The former protégé of Jean-Pierre Pernaut, had already been seen on the set of TPMPon June 26, as a guest. Since leaving TF1, she has created her YouTube channel “Entre Vous et moi” with director Pascal Lucas where she presents her meeting-interview show.

The journalist thanks Cyril Hanouna on X

The journalist – who had recently confided her disappointment at not having been chosen to succeed Jean-Pierre Pernaut at the presentation of the 1 p.m. news – also thanked Cyril Hanouna on social networks for this new collaboration. “Thank you dear Cyril Hanouna for your invitation to your home, your warm welcome and the good humor of the happy TPMP gang“, wrote the journalist on

… Read more on Télé 7 Jours

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