Alec and Hilaria Baldwin criticized for a photo of their daughter on social media

Alec and Hilaria Baldwin criticized for a photo of their daughter on social media
Alec and Hilaria Baldwin criticized for a photo of their daughter on social media

The actor shared several photos of his children in a post on Father’s Day. And the photo of his daughter Carmen sparked many reactions.

Alec Baldwin is a father of a large family. After Ireland, the fruit of his story with Kim Basinger, he welcomed seven children with his wife Hilaria: Carmen (10 years old), Rafael (8), Leonardo (7), Romeo (6), Eduardo (3), Lucia (3). ), and Ilaria (1). A happy tribe whose couple will soon share their daily lives with the general public in the documentary series The Baldwins. In the meantime, the actor shared several photos of his offspring on the occasion of Father’s Day. A publication which earned him a flood of criticism from his community.

A flood of criticism

Indeed, we see the eldest, Carmen, posing with her little sister in her arms. In front of the camera, she poses with mascara (or eyelash extensions) and gloss on her lips. Makeup which, at her age, did not fail to appeal to Internet users. “Why does she wear makeup at 10?”, “She’s only 10?” She looks like she’s older!”, “You don’t look prettier with your mom’s makeup, you’ll have so much time to put on makeup later,” “Why do you let your daughter wear makeup like she was 16?

Carmen Baldwin is under fire for her makeup on her father’s Instagram account.
Official Instagram @alecbaldwininsta

A support committee

At the same time, others came to the couple’s defense: “My 8-year-old granddaughter loves playing with makeup and we let her! What is the problem ? So stop the negative comments and move on!” “My grandchildren love doing makeup and it’s just fun,” “Do you know how many times my daughter asked me to do her makeup at that age? Where did it go in my makeup bag for fun? It’s not serious. It would be better to ask yourself why can’t a woman do anything without being judged?”, “Guess what – even little preschoolers wear makeup at school. Little girls wear tutus, tiaras, and poorly applied blue and green eyeshadow. They play ! If you see something inappropriate or sinister, it’s your fault.” This is not the first time that the little girl has worn makeup: in May 2023, she already appeared with red lipstick and scarlet nail polish in a publication by her mother Hilaria.

Read alsoShould you let your child wear makeup for special occasions?

Take the drama out of makeup for children

Last December, Estelle Kuil, behavioral psychologist, explained to us: “You can absolutely authorize your child to do this because it is a natural process. Little girls most often identify with their mother and want to imitate her by wearing earrings, putting on their shoes and therefore also putting on makeup. The child wants to be like the adults and there is nothing serious about that.” And to insist: “On the contrary, this testifies to his good evolution and his development: he no longer wants to be a baby, he wants to grow up. It’s also a form of rite of passage.” While specifying that it is important to set a framework and limits: “We should also not encourage it by, for example, providing it with a make-up bag that is too large. We can go in its direction and promote it but with limits, that is to say without entering completely into the child’s universe. He must remain a child.” A word to the wise.

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