Fifty years later, street names and a party for the Charrel residence in Aubagne

Fifty years later, street names and a party for the Charrel residence in Aubagne
Fifty years later, street names and a party for the Charrel residence in Aubagne

It’s running everywhere on this Saturday afternoon. Here with a scooter, there with a skateboard. When it’s not a game of tag that is improvised among families. In short, the Charrel comes alive. To the great delight of its inhabitants.

A party that looks like a big fair with its angling games, sumo fights, wild football games and cotton candy stands. Celebrations financed by the State, the Department, the Metropolis, the City and the lessor Érilia on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the 992-unit residence.

With the inauguration of a fresco by the artist Hypnova in homage to Marcel Pagnol – whose death the City is also commemorating 50 years ago – the big news of this evening were these small signs on a blue background that the Charrel was still without. Four were unveiled to the residents, giving the residence street names for the first time after five decades of existence.

“Get rid of a bad reputation”

Do you realize, fifty years without having an address? This is great news, but I ended up getting used to it.“, jokes Marc. A symbolic gesture appreciated by many, taking advantage of the moment to recall that the Charrel also has “his pretty stories” insists Micky, a thirty-year-old who grew up here.

Gunshots, fires… everyday life isn’t always cheerful here. It’s good to see that we’re able to have parties with our neighbors like any other neighborhood in Aubagne.“, breathes a mother with a smile. An observation confirmed by many families for whom “it’s hard for Charrel to break away from our bad reputation, but this kind of moment contributes to it“.



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