Davy Sardou: His father Michel divorced from Élisabeth Haas, the singer’s statements on their breakup

Davy Sardou: His father Michel divorced from Élisabeth Haas, the singer’s statements on their breakup
Davy Sardou: His father Michel divorced from Élisabeth Haas, the singer’s statements on their breakup

First married to Françoise Pettré, professional dancer at the Châtelet and the Paris opera, Michel Sardou married the same year of his first divorce, in 1977, Élisabeth Haas the October 14. In his book I’m not dead… I’m sleeping! published in May 2021, the 77-year-old singer remembered with emotion their meeting or rather their love at first sight in a nightclub.

“I came across a lovely blonde dressed, so to speak, not in a mini-skirt, but in an unfolded bandana… I felt, then, this thrill revealing a desire otherwise more precise than a desire to dance” he wrote with a touch of nostalgia about the mother of his sons Romain, born January 6, 1974, and Davy, born June 1, 1978. (As a reminder, Michel Sardou had become a father with his first wife of two daughters: Sandrine , born January 15, 1970 and Cynthia, the December 4, 1973).

Divorced in 1999 following his infidelities, he discussed the reasons for his separation with his second wife with our colleagues at Paris Match. “Divorce doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a long free fall, a slow deterioration of relationships. We feel bad, we live badly, we have less desire to be kind” he declared, adding that the sister of the famous astrologer Christine Haas “had enough” of his “universe“and that she”had lived this twenty-five years“.

His third marriage, his “greatest success”

Now married to Anne-Marie Périer since October 1999, the singer of the title Love sickness had recounted his third, craziest marriage proposal… over the phone. “It was an episodic relationship, we met from time to time. She had her own life, she had children, she was married and so was I. (…) One day, I called him. She was in New York, I was in Paris and I said: ‘Listen, do you want to marry me? Answer me yes or no, that way we’ll save time. There’s no need for me to court you frantically, we’ve known each other for 25 years. And it’s done like this“, he says in his autobiography. A third marriage which according to him is his “greatest success“.

The couple recently moved to an XXL house in the south of France near Bormes-les-Mimosas.

