Find out the scores of candidates and qualified MPs in your constituency

Find out the scores of candidates and qualified MPs in your constituency
Find out the scores of candidates and qualified MPs in your constituency

This map of the results of the first round is updated throughout the evening of Sunday June 30, according to feedback from the Ministry of the Interior. The color displayed corresponds to the coalition or party that came first in real time, as the counts progress. It can therefore change during the evening. The words “elected” or “qualified” are displayed when 100% of the ballots have been counted in the constituency.

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Counting in progress, partial results.

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Source: Ministry of the Interior (results), IGN, Sciences-Po (base map)

After the dissolution decided by Emmanuel Macron, the navy blue wave is confirmed, on the evening of Sunday June 30. Le National Rally and its allies are well ahead of the first round of the legislative elections, with 34% of the votes, according to our Ipsos-Talan estimate for France Télévisions, Radio France, France 24, RFI and LCP. In second place, the New Popular Front obtained 28.1% of the votes, according to this same estimate. The presidential camp only comes in third position, with 20.3% of the votes. Far behind, the Republicans who refused to follow Eric Ciotti in an alliance with the RN, obtained 10.2% of the vote, again according to our estimate.

To be elected in the first round, a candidate must obtain more than 50% of the votes cast, and the votes of at least 25% of voters registered on the electoral lists. If no candidate reaches this threshold, a second round must be organized, in which the two candidates who came first and second take part, as well as those who have reached a number of votes at least equal to 12.5% ​​of the number of registered voters.

Writing : Mathieu Lehot-Couette

Development : Gregory Humbert, Renaud Tardivon, Valentin Pigeau

Design : Léa Girardot

Editorial oversight : Ilan Caro, Julie Rasplus



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