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Racist comments from RN sympathizers in “Special Envoy”: Divine Kinkela, the caregiver insulted by her neighbors, filed a complaint against them

Divine Kinkela, the nursing assistant from Montargis insulted by her neighbors in front of the cameras of “Envoyé spécial”, has filed three complaints against them, in particular for “public insult” et “incitement to racial hatred”informed the Monde his lawyer Frank Berton, confirming information from the Parisian.

Friday June 21, the Montargis public prosecutor’s office announced that it had taken action after becoming aware of “discriminatory remarks” in an episode of the show “Envoyé spécial” broadcast the day before. shows a white couple of supporters of the National Rally covering their neighbor, a black nursing assistant, with racist insults, had caused a strong reaction from several members of the New Popular Front, some of whom urged the victim to take legal action. According to the public prosecutor of Montargis, Jean-Cédric Gaux, the maximum penalty for these offenses is up to three years in prison and a fine of 45,000 euros.

Furthermore, several left-wing and environmentalist personalities went to Montargis on Friday to support Divine Kinkela. “We can clearly see what the rise in the National Rally in our country is leading to. And even though we are a few days away from the legislative elections, even though there is a very strong risk of victory for the extreme right, we do not want a country in which racist insults, (…) violence is increasing”declared senator and spokesperson for the French Communist Party Ian Brossat.

In front of the caregiver’s home, former Minister of National Education Najat Vallaud-Belkacem expressed her emotion. “I was one of the people who discovered this sequence in front of their live television which marked many, many of us. My stomach hurt immediately, actually. It returned it to me »she lamented.

Among the personalities present on Friday in Montargis were also the senator of Loiret, Christophe Chaillou, the spokesperson for EELV, Aminata Niakaté, the New Popular Front candidate in Loiret, Bruno Nottin, and the former president of the Ligue des human rights, Pierre Tartakowsky.



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