the causes of his ex’s death are now official, the autopsy has revealed its secrets – Closer

the causes of his ex’s death are now official, the autopsy has revealed its secrets – Closer
the causes of his ex’s death are now official, the autopsy has revealed its secrets – Closer

It was a little over a month ago. On April 24, 2024, the body of Paolo Liuzzi, the ex-boyfriend of Princess Beatrice of York, was discovered in a hotel room in Miami, Florida. After the discovery of his remains, rumors of an overdose appeared in the press. And for good reason, the 41-year-old man was known for his love of partying and his excessive drug consumption.

But what did Princess Beatrice’s ex-boyfriend really die of? According to the British tabloid The Daily Mail, an autopsy was recently performed on Paolo Liuzzi. The latter has
confirmed overdose rumorsestablishment that the forty-year-old died after consuming a lethal cocktail of several drugs.

An overdose of “purple heroin”

According to the autopsy results, Liuzzo was tested
positive for ketamine, cocaine, fentanyl and bromazolam, a very powerful opioid that has already caused the deaths of several thousand Americans and Canadians since 2022.

Combined with fentanyl, bromazolam produces a drug called “benzo-dope“. Also called
“purple heroine”, this synthetic drug can cause prolonged loss of consciousness, severe respiratory distress and amnesia. In the most serious cases, as in that of Paolo Liuzzi, it can also cause an overdose and lead to the death of its user.

According to the report published by the Daily Mail, Liuzzi did not have depressive tendencies. He had never expressed any suicidal thoughts or attempted to end his life before. For all these reasons, the autopsy concluded that it was an accidental death.

He had dated Princess Beatrice for over a year

As a reminder, Paolo Liuzzi had dated the young Princess Beatrice, then aged 17, in the mid-2000s. The couple had kept their relationship a secret for a year, before separating in May 2006. Liuzzi then faced the resurgence of an old court case in which he was embroiled.

In 2002, the latter was accused of beating to death one of his classmates, Jonathan Duchatellier, at the College of the Holy Cross, a university in Massachusetts. Liuzzi then got off well, and was only sentenced to 100 hours of community service for “blows and wounds“. He had also received a 3-year probationary suspended sentence, a suspended sentence which he had broken in 2006 to go on vacation to Switzerland.

A year after his breakup with Beatrice, the American had caused embarrassment to the British royal family by claiming to have smoked marijuana in the presence of Beatrice and her sister, Princess Eugenie. He also admitted to having cheated on the young princess during their relationship. Since then, Beatrice has rebuilt her life. In July 2020, she married Count Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi. The couple has a daughter, Sienna Elizabeth Mapelli Mozzi, born September 18, 2021.



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