“We are on the verge of decapitation”: a “strongly Islamized” woman suspected of having slit her daughter’s throat, hospitalized under duress

“We are on the verge of decapitation”: a “strongly Islamized” woman suspected of having slit her daughter’s throat, hospitalized under duress
“We are on the verge of decapitation”: a “strongly Islamized” woman suspected of having slit her daughter’s throat, hospitalized under duress

The 19-year-old daughter was out of school. The mother, who had devoted her life to religion, refuses to communicate other than in Arabic.

A 44-year-old woman, suspected of having slit the throat of her 19-year-old daughter with whom she lived in , was hospitalized under duress, the prosecution announced this Friday, October 18.

The body of the 19-year-old young woman was found on Friday October 11 in Mulhouse in the apartment she occupied with her mother.

Contacted by the Muslim funeral directors, themselves contacted by the mother, the police went to the scene, where they discovered “a crime scene, given the state of the victim who was lying on the ground in his room, wrapped in a sheet”, explains Jean-François Assal, deputy public prosecutor of Mulhouse, confirming information from the newspaper L’Alsace.

“The premises had previously been meticulously cleaned,” he specifies, adding that numerous wounds, “probably caused by a bladed weapon”, were noted. A ceramic knife, “found placed under bags”, could “presumably” be the weapon used.

Throat slit

“We are on the verge of decapitation,” indicates the Mulhouse prosecutor’s office reported by Bleu Alsace. “A gesture of extreme violence at the level of the vertebrae,” continues the magistrate, who confides that he has rarely seen a scene of such violence.

“The victim could have had her throat slit by her mother, who was strongly Islamized,” he said. The victim’s mother was taken into custody. “Although French, born in France and having studied in France, (she) refused to communicate other than in Arabic.”

The victim had a total of 16 wounds and defensive wounds, “seeming to suggest that she tried to resist before succumbing”. The first conclusions of the autopsy carried out on the body also made it possible to confirm the slitting of the throat. They also reveal that death would have occurred 24 to 48 hours before the discovery of the body.

The mother’s custody was lifted following a “psychiatric opinion indicating an incompatibility and she was placed in compulsory hospitalization”.

A judicial investigation has been opened for murder. According to France Bleu Alsace, the victim “was out of school and had been the subject of a report from his high school in 2019”. The mother, whose name is known to the courts because she has appeared in intelligence service files since 2019 for acts of Islamic radicalization, “dedicated” her life to religion.

The girl was followed by a children’s judge “in order to extract her from this very rigorous vision of Islam”, our colleagues specify. “She had progressed well and was following the program,” according to the Mulhouse prosecutor’s office.

An investigation for “murder by ascendant” has been opened and the investigations are being carried out by the Mulhouse criminal brigade.



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