Donald Trump insolvent? The former American president does not pay his meeting bills and has a debt that exceeds $750,000

Donald Trump insolvent? The former American president does not pay his meeting bills and has a debt that exceeds $750,000
Donald Trump insolvent? The former American president does not pay his meeting bills and has a debt that exceeds $750,000

For the third time, the 45th American president gave a meeting last month in Erie, Pennsylvania, a pivotal state in this presidential race (a state where the vote is undecided and which can therefore change sides, from one vote to another). the other, between the two dominant parties and tilt the result of the final vote, Editor’s note). Anyone who escaped several assassination attempts would have left each time without paying the bill. Because during these meetings it is particularly necessary to pay the costs linked to public security.

In the middle of a meeting, Kamala Harris puts pro-Trump activists in their place (VIDEO)

According to a municipal official in the city of Erie, the billionaire is in debt to the tune of $40,000. This sum includes gatherings organized between 2018 and 2023. But the Pennsylvanian town would not be the only city in the same case.

Whose fault is it?

The American media explains that in all, four cities and one county are demanding money from Donald Trump. Two of these cities find themselves in an impasse since they have not reached formal agreements with Donald Trump’s team regarding the costs of these rallies.

Furthermore, a manager of the billionaire’s campaign believes that “questions regarding costs of local law enforcement and first responders should be directed to the Secret Service“.

In the process, Anthony Guglielmi, spokesperson for the American secret services, confided to NBC NEWS what the campaign team should have gone directly to the government agency for local assistance for these kinds of events. “The Secret Service does not have a mechanism to reimburse local governments for their support during protective events“.

The former American president must reimburse more than $750,000 to these cities.



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