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Two priests take ecstasy together, one dies, the other is imprisoned

Two priests take ecstasy together, one dies, the other is imprisoned
Two priests take ecstasy together, one dies, the other is imprisoned

The party ended very badly. During the night from Thursday to Friday, shortly after midnight, a priest from Kalmthout, Belgium, called for help after a British colleague who came to visit him at the presbytery felt unwell. Emergency services tried to resuscitate the 69-year-old man, but without success.

The Belgian priest, aged 60, was imprisoned, the public prosecutor’s office in the port city of Antwerp announced on Saturday. He is being prosecuted for “drug dealing resulting in death”.

The first findings of the police, the laboratory and the forensic doctor showed that the two men “had consumed ecstasy and poppers together and had had sexual relations,” said the prosecution.

Investigation into exact cause of death continues

The investigation into the exact cause of death continues, the autopsy having not provided a definitive answer at this stage.

Chemsex, or sex under the influence of synthetic drugs, has existed for more than a decade, but has grown in recent years to the point of causing deaths each year by overdose or suicide.

Sébastien, a 37-year-old former “chemsexer”, confided to Le Parisien in 2022: “There is a need to uninhibit themselves for some who do not always accept their homosexuality. For others, it is the search for performance, or the disconnection from a sometimes heavy reality, or to experiment with more extreme practices.”



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