Birth gifts: think of the mother first

Birth gifts: think of the mother first
Birth gifts: think of the mother first

So let’s forget the clothes that will be worn in pairs if they are the right size, the traditional rattles and bottles for the baby. Let’s think a little about the well-being of the mother who worked long hours to bring the newborn into the world and who will often look after the toddler alone for the first few weeks, due to shorter paternity leave. Hello mental load.

At a time when we are becoming more and more aware of the responsibilities assumed daily by women, we are seeing gifts appear on social networks intended for mothers who have just given birth.

If offering a massage, beauty products, meals delivered to your home or even the services of a cleaning lady can make you smile, these little touches help to relieve the mother and make her postpartum experience better. Caring for a newborn requires a lot of time and energy without household chores disappearing on their own.

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For the next birth, aim for the useful: think of the mother first, the baby will be all the better for it!



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